Tuesday 10 March 2015

Pink war

"BUK Jelly" - 60x80cm, oil on canvas.

Revenge sounds like the name of a tragic opera
Suicide sounds like the name of an electric floral medicine grown by god
Lucifer sounds like the name of a sheltered library nerd
flowers are examples of natural drama
the moon is a voyeuristic boat in the sky
who has attended every funeral and has peeked at every kiss ever given

this year was a century
until it was shaved in half by a cold and pink war

how sickly a peptic, watered-down pink can be
when it isnt softest skin or the land before birth

I found this poem about war. It was what I had in mind, expressed so clearly in words. For the whole poem of Luke J. Holt here: http://m.poemhunter.com/poem/pink-war/

I really liked the end of the poem.

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1 comment:

  1. I painted this together with my son, and after his own indications. He imagined a candy war so we started together a series of candy inspired weapons. I painted a Oerlikon as a pistacchio ice-cream, a T-80 tank like a vanilla pudding and now a BUK like a jelly cake. My son loves my work and he is fascinated by weaponry. I am thrilled by the way he digests this idea of war and how his innocent mind transforms it into something more familiar. It's like he is exorcising war and reinventing the whole concept.
